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autor: Moskałyk, J.
tytuł: Wartość chrześcijańskiej aporetyki
Teologia w Polsce 11,2 (2017) 33-44          pełny tekst artykułu   spis treści rocznika

słowa kluczowe: wartość chrześcijańskiego życiawyobcowaniesolidarnośćwyznanie winyprzemienieniedoczesne szczęściezbawienie

The maturing process of the man in great measure is conditioned in struggling against different oppositions, which directly take back to his freedom. Therefore he is subjected often to the attempt to be found between the helplessness and freeing. And even though seemingly this situation has short-lived and transitional character, in fact it is extended on the entire life. Sometimes this state seems without the exit, but onlyawareness of his earthly dimension is freeing from the one-way allocation. If, however, we consider the possibility of the personal bond with the Christian faith, determined reality stops fear. The Christian faith gives a different view on all paradoxes and contradictions which are turning up in this world and have temporary consequences. Christian experience also gives courage, the perseverance and strength for surviving and defeating earthly oppositions.

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